Strangely, ladies are obsessed with lists when organizing stuff, but won't entertain the idea when it comes to important things like favourite albums or films - that's left up to the blokes. So I've decided to put my list here in the hope that others will do the same. So, in no particular order (other than alphabetical):
Abbey Road - The Beatles
Led Zepplin II
Midnite Vultures - Beck
Paul's Boutique - Beastie Boys
Rejuvenation - The Meters
Strip to the Bone - Howie B feat. Sly and Robbie
Thrust - Herbie Hancock
Young, Gifted and Black - Aretha Franklin
Easy Rider
Mulholland Dr.
Seven Samuri
The Shawshank Redemption
This is Spinal Tap
There - I've installed a window directly to my psyche. Give it a go - you may as well, as "YA BUY ONE, YA GET ONE FREE, I SAY YA BUY ONE, YA GET ONE FREE"
Rejuvenation - The Meters.. I've got it but never really listen to it.. I'll give it a go.. Just Kissed My Baby is on it so it must be splendid!
Same comment really. I tried a while back but never got into the groove. But then if I can't get into The Meters' groove, perhaps I havn't got one!
Good call with the films. I'm using this info to create your psychological profile. If it was Jaws 4 and Oldboy on the same list, I'd say that the theme is revenge!
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